Do you experience any of the following?

  • Feeling persistently sad and/or unhappy; you cry a lot

  • Feeling tired even though you have sleep a lot; or maybe you can’t sleep much at all

  • You have no energy

  • You are angry, frustrated, and irritable more than normal

  • You have trouble focusing

  • You no longer want to do anything that you’ve enjoyed in the past

  • You crave unhealthy foods OR you can’t manage to eat anything

What is depression?

Feeling sad once in a while is very normal. However, when the sadness becomes overwhelming, is persistent, and makes you feel hopeless, chances are you may be suffering from depression. Depression is a mood disorder that robs from your sense of joy and happiness. It can affect every aspect of your life, from your emotional well-being to your physical health. It can cause you to lose everything. It can make you feel as though you have nothing left to live for. It is ruthless. But no matter how hopeless you may feel and how ruthless the depression is, there is help and you can feel better.

Depression happens for many different reasons. The main causes of depression include genetics, serious illness, significant life changes, loss, trauma, and abuse. The underlying reason for your depression can help determine which form of treatment will be best.

If you are ready to start living again, reach out to book your appointment by calling or booking online.
