Customized counselling to deal with anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma that is uniquely for you!

Individual therapy 

At Aspire Counselling Services, we provide counselling and psychotherapy services to individuals on a brief, longer term, or intensive basis. Your therapy will be tailored to meet your needs and goals. 

Our goal is to provide you with a safe place to explore feelings and solutions to life's most challenging issues. We believe in therapy that promotes and encourages trust, honesty (with self and others), and support.

Intensive Counselling

Research suggests that sometimes weekly and bi-weekly sessions just are not enough. That’s why I also offer intensive sessions for those who wish to move forward more quickly. Intensive sessions can take on a variety of forms, including half day sessions multiple times a week, or full weekends. Intensive sessions are generally ideal when reprocessing trauma. 

Neuroptimal (R) Neurofeedback

Simply put, Neurofeedback helps to train and exercise the brain to ensure that your brain can function at it's optional level. 

Neuroptimal (R) Neurofeedback mirrors your own brainwave activity back to your brain so that it can voluntarily choose to accept and produce more beneficial patterns and inhibit undesirable ones. This, in turn, strengthens the central nervous system resulting in more resilience, stability and flexibility. Neurofeedback is safe and effective.